Podaci Nacionalne službe za zapošljavanje
U septembru 2010. godine, registrovano je 721.043 lica na evidenciji Nacionalne službe za zapošljavanje (NSZ). U odnosu na prethodni mesec, broj nezaposlenih je smanjen za 3.227 lica ili za 0,45%. Broj ...
Ministarstvo ekonomije i regionalnog razvoja
Sporazum o slobodnoj trgovini između Republike Srbije i država EFTA stupio je na dnagu 1. oktobra. Time će naši privrednici imati bescarinski pristup na tržišta više od 800 miliona stanovnika, ...
Danas je na internet stranici Ministarstva ekonomije objavljena prva verzija nacrta Zakona o privrednim društvima čime otpočinje javna rasprava povodom tog ...
Prvi potpredsednik Vlade, zamenik predsednika Vlade i ministar unutrašnjih poslova Ivica Dačić je 18. septembra u Skoplju sa ministrom unutrašnjih poslova Makedonije Gordanom Jankuloskom potpisao Sporazum o regulisanju režima pograničnog ...
The Eurogroup, composed of the Member States whose currency is the euro, meets normally the day before the Economic and Financial Affairs Council meeting and...
The Governing Council of the European Central Bank (ECB) takes its monetary policy decision for the euro area. Shortly after the meeting, the President of...
The Permanent Representatives Committee or "Coreper" (Article 207 of the Treaty establishing the European Community) is responsible for preparing the work of the Council of...
The European Commissioners meet every Wednesday in Brussels, except when the European Parliament holds its plenary session, in which case they meet on a Tuesday in Strasbourg.
In the General Affairs Council (GAC) the ministers coordinate the preparation and follow-up of the European Council and cover dossiers of cross-cutting nature, thus affecting...
The European Commission and the European Parliament are organising a conference to highlight the opportunities offered by electronic procurement (e-procurement), which helps to simplify public...
European Parliament's committees are primarily responsible for preparing the legislative work for Parliament's plenary, on the basis of which it adopts legislative resolutions.
At its sessions on foreign affairs, the Council deals with the whole of the Union's external action, including common foreign and security policy, foreign trade...
The Digital Agenda for Europe is the European Union's roadmap for bringing the benefits of a digital society and economy to Europe's citizens. The Digital...
The Eurogroup, composed of the Member States whose currency is the euro, meets normally the day before the Economic and Financial Affairs Council meeting and...
The Permanent Representatives Committee or "Coreper" (Article 207 of the Treaty establishing the European Community) is responsible for preparing the work of the Council of...